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Swords Against the Moon Men: The Wild Adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Book 6 Customer Reviews
:- 5.0 out of 5 stars from Michael Morrow -- Fly me to the moon, 'cause that's where the fun is at... : In "Swords Against the Moon Men" by Christopher Paul Carey, I find the the most ERBlike big story since Mike Resnick wrote "The Forgotten Sea of Mars" (1965 - which is currently available in "The Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs") and won't mind at all if he writes more for me to read. Julian 3rd, via his innate reincarnation ablilty, is able to relate this tale from Julian 7th's future...which may be an alternate future in which the Moon Men have invaded and conquered Earth thanks to the Julian's line of hero's reincarnating nemesis Or-tis. (Which makes me wonder some how if Mr Carey is a reincarnation of ERB who has come back to fill in the gaps.) When called upon to search for the missing Barsoom to Moon expediton, this skilled horse trainer finds a way...Or-tis tries to block him and jousts with more than words...on the moon he finds unexpected enemies, new, strange, fasinating friends and the Julian line is known to those who meet him...visual enhancement is provided by Mark Wheatley's splendid line drawings. (You can view the full color versions online.) It's a pleasure to add this hardback to my ERB collection spanning fiftyfive years...my dad gave me the first two tarzan books. ( Reviewed in the United States on April 6, 2018 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from Rory Coker -- A new entry in the most complex of ERB's "planetary romances." : In many ways the "Moon" series is the most ambitious of the pioneering "sword and spaceship" series created by the great Edgar Rice Burroughs. Published as three novels, THE MOON MAID, THE MOON MEN and THE RED HAWK, beginning in 1919, it is based upon a complex future history stretching over 20 generations of an earth family, the Julians. As a result, writing a new novel which fits into this very long saga is challenging. I am happy to report that Christopher Paul Carey is up to the challenge. Not only does he duplicate the style of ERB with great success, he constructs an exciting adventure in which Julian 7 (the odd-numbered Julians are all reincarnations of the same individual, and can not only remember the adventures of past incarnations, but also sometimes glimpse incidents in the lives of future reincarnations), raised as a humble horse-trainer in an earth society under the savage yoke of the Kalkars, a steadily degenerating race of conquerors from a huge realm that lies underneath the visible lunar surface, winds up on the moon, eventually battling side by side with one of the most famous of ERB's heroes to prevent the use of a terrifying super-weapon. Anyone wishing to continue such a series must solve a massive exposition problem, because of the complex history underlying the action, but must also maintain consistency with the ERB novels taking place AFTER the lifetime of any given Julian up to the last. Carey solves all these problems in a reasonably satisfying way. It's a long, exciting and eventful novel, and I think all fans of ERB will find it gripping and satisfying. ( Reviewed in the United States on March 4, 2021 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from D. Ellis -- Captures the Essence and Spirit of Burroughs : I'm a big fan of Edgar Rice Burroughs, and have read most of his stories multiple times. I recently decided to reread the Moon Men series, followed by reading Christopher Paul Carey's new novel, "Swords Against the Moon Men." I thought that Carey did a fantastic job of capturing the essence and spirit of ERB's work. Carey's tale fills in some gaps from the previous novels, and explains some things I'd been wondering about in a way that makes sense. It really was a great read, and if you're a fan of ERB, you should definitely check this one out. ( Reviewed in the United States on June 23, 2018 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from James L. Hall -- Wild ride to the moon and back. : Christopher Paul Carey's SWORDS AGAINST THE MOON MEN is an excellent addition to the Burroughs pantheon. A superb cover and interior illustrations set the Sword and Planet tone. The timeline keeping the different Julians straight and useful chronologically placing the novel into the events of Burroughs Moon Maid Trilogy. ( Reviewed in the United States on January 20, 2019 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from Natas -- High Adventure in the Hollow Moon : Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc. has tapped a terrific writer that practically channels Burroughs himself in bringing to life this terrific sequel to The Moon Maid. A great adventure read that was always gripping as it toured new vistas within the hollow moon. I hope that we see much more of Mr. Carey's work in the expanded Burroughs universe. This work has an interesting crossover from ERB's Barsoom novels and hopefully he will his sights on that planet in the future. ( Reviewed in the United States on June 2, 2018 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from Myron Rodgers -- worthy successor to burroughs books : Easy read, inclusion of John Carter was a nice touch, nice to have him be greatest swordsman on 3 worlds now. Would like more fill in like this to flesh out this lesser known series of ERB. This is a quality author, has some books in ancient opar so is familiar with erb universe. highly recommended ( Reviewed in the United States on October 8, 2018 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from SK Turk -- Another winner from Christopher Paul Carey! : Just as he did with his masterful conclusion to Philip José Farmer's "Khokarsa" series, Carey once again continues the work of a pulp giant (this time Edgar Rice Burroughs). With great skill, Carey steps in and scouts some of the unexplored territory left by Burroughs in his "Moon Men" series. Having read the series is not a prerequisite. In a stand alone story, Carey takes you on an exciting adventure (with the added bonus of some cameos by some of Burroughs's most beloved characters). High adventure. Great Fun! ( Reviewed in the United States on July 22, 2018 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from TANDREBROWN -- Five Stars : as a ERB fan this is a MUST read .....keep them coming. ( Reviewed in the United States on April 28, 2018 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from David L. Brzeski -- The facility Carey has to somehow adopt the mindset of the author whose universe he’s playing in is nothing short of uncanny. : This is an interesting one for me. I can claim to be a fan of Edgar Rice Burroughs, but I had never got around to reading his Moon trilogy. As I don’t ever like to start a series anywhere other than the beginning, I decided to catch up with those stories before tackling this new addition to the canon. ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on May 25, 2018 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from Mr M Furnass -- A sheer page-turning pleasure : In 'Swords Against the Moon Men' Christopher Paul Carey has done what I had previously thought impossible. Though there have been any number of Edgar Rice Burroughs pastiches -- of varying quality -- this is the first one I have read which could almost have been written by ERB himself. Sentence construction, word choices, pawky humour, everything about the writing itself is so masterfully redolent of Burroughs that it is a sheer page-turning pleasure to read. And, as if that wasn't enough, Mr. Carey has taken a brief passage from the original saga -- no more than a throwaway line, actually -- and given us an epic worthy of the Master of Adventure. ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 28, 2018 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from M. Henderson -- The Return of the Spirit Of ERB : I ama 71 year old fan of the novels of Edgar Rice Burroughs and I have read many Burroughs patiches including most of this series, The Wild Adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs. Not only is this the best of the series so far but it fills all the criteria for making this novel a fitting and true tribute to The Master. The style captures the essence of ERB, the plot is tight, well thought out and fast paced as well as showing great edudition in all respects.Christopher Paul Carey is the new ERB,at last!! Buy this book and I hope you agree. ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 4, 2018 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from Glenn O'Neill kane -- Why is it so difficult to read as all words are running into each other with typos ,like its a first draft finding it hard to read and enjoy as much as I wanted to .bit unfortunate and it does need to be rectified . : I was looking forward to this but the printing is a mess that needs sorting out .words run into each other making it hard to work out .find it difficualt to read like this which is a shame as it is something I was waiting for .now all problems with text have been fixed ,it is great .changed to five star . A book in the real Edgar rice Burroughs tradition . ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 24, 2018 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from Mike -- a great book as usual : arrived to my kindle and away I went except for the Kindle Problems ( Reviewed in Canada on November 7, 2019 )
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